A mentor is either a practicing Professional Agrologist (PAg), Technical Agrologist (TAg), or a retired registrant who provides assistance and guidance to an articling registrant during their articling term.

The mentorship agreement must be submitted within two (2) months after the articling Registrant has been notified of acceptance into BCIA.

Mentors may claim 5 PD hours/year in their PD Report for each mentee.

The primary role of the mentor is to guide the mentee through the non-technical aspects of professionalism, such as:

  • Introduce to BCIA at both the provincial and the Branch levels a review of governance and the purpose and functions of BCIA
  • Set an example as a registered professional
  • Introduce the new Registrant to professional networks
  • Review the Professional Governance Act, the Schedule "Agrologists Regulation," BCIA's Bylaws, the Code of Ethics, the Duty to Report, and any other relevant legislation, guidelines, or policies
  • Assist the articling Registrant in identifying and undertaking professional development activities that may prove useful to the Registrant in their area(s) of practice
  • Discuss and review annual professional development (PD) reports, ensuring required minimums are met
  • Provide verification signatures in select areas within the articling checklist indicating engagement between parties
  • Provide a letter that includes a final recommendation regarding progression to fully active professional status

Some considerations when establishing a mentoring relationship:

  • Usually, both the mentor and the mentee can be from the same Branch, but it is not a requirement;
  • Mandatory bi-annual meetings can be held in person or virtually; more frequent meetings are encouraged if possible;
  • The mentee and the mentor do not need to have the same area of practice; priority should be placed on obtaining a mentor with whom the mentee feels comfortable with;
  • Articling registrant's immediate supervisor can be a mentor if they wish; however, there must be no ethical conflict between the articling Registrant's job description and professional ethics in the workplace;
  • Success of the mentoring relationship is based on mutual trust between the two parties; there should be an open atmosphere to discuss ideas, problems, deficiencies, goals, and achievements

Tips for Mentors:

  • Establish regular contact with the mentee
  • Be open and polite, and direct but non-judgmental
  • Do not expect to have all the answers
  • Assist the mentee in networking
  • Respect confidentiality
  • Work closely with the mentee; good communication is crucial to success.

The Articling Program Guide for Mentors and Articling Coordinators, a companion document to the online Articling Journal, is an excellent resource for mentors and Articling Coordinators.

Download the Mentor/Mentee Talking Points guide to help facilitate discussions during the 2X yearly meetings.

Need assistance to find a mentor? Check the Mentor Directory! The link is found only within the BCIA account under 'Mentoring'.

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