BCIA volunteers are integral to the Institute! There are vacancies to fill! Please consider volunteering - BCIA registrants are needed to fill vacancies on the following committees. Lay Members (non-BCIA registrants) are also required for the committees, so spread the word within your networks. Each Terms of Reference outlines the mandate, functions and responsibilities, and other key aspects of sitting on a committee.

Audit & Practice Review Committee (BCIA registrants and Lay Members)

  • Ensure the BCIA Registrants have the competence and expertise to serve the profession and protect the public in accordance with the PGA and the Bylaws; and
  • Act in accordance with policy governance principles, with all operational decisions to be made by management of the BCIA.

Discipline Committee (BCIA registrants and Lay Members)

  • To carry out statutory functions prescribed in the PGA in accordance with the requirements of the PGA, the Bylaws, and principles of administrative law.
  • To advance the BCIA’s statutory mandate and, in particular, to ensure that the BCIA’s discipline process is transparent, objective, impartial and fair.

Investigation Committee (BCIA registrants and Lay Members)

  • Deriving its authority from applicable sections of the PGA and the Bylaws, investigate and, where applicable, resolve complaints alleging incompetency, professional misconduct, or conduct unbecoming of a Registrant regarding BCIA Registrants that are either submitted to the Committee or derived from investigations instituted on the Committee’s initiative; and
  • Act in accordance with policy governance principles, with all operational decisions to be made by management of the BCIA.

Nomination Committee (Lay Members only)

  • Identify and recruit qualified BCIA Registrants to put their names forward for the BCIA Board (“Board”) during periods of succession or sudden absences; and
  • Identify and recruit qualified lay persons to put their names forward for a position on one of the BCIA standing committees.

For full details on these committees, check the BCIA website. Volunteering on a committee is very rewarding and can be claimed for PD hours! Contact the BCIA office if you or someone you know would like to volunteer!

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