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Summary Chart of Practice Areas, Reserved Practice, Interactions, and Alignments Between Regulated Professions: Per these five updated practice sector definitions, the 12 practice areas within the definition of agrology within British Columbia after September 1, 2022, together with confirmation of reserve practice areas and the interplay between regulated professions, are stipulated in the following chart and are further defined below.

(Page references within this chart are related to the BCIA Practice Areas: A Summary for BCIA Registrants and Applicants PDF document on page 24)

Sector Practice Areas Reserved Practice of Agrology Interaction or alignment with other regulated professions Page References
Economics 1. Agricultural & Resource Economics and Rural Development 1. Yes 1. No 1. Pg 27-29
Growing & Production

2. Crop Development, Production,
and Management

3. Livestock Development, Production, and Management

4. Rangeland and Grazing Management

5. Agroforestry

2. Yes

3.,4.,5. Certain, but not all activities

2. No

3. Yes: Veterinarians

4. Yes: Foresters, Applied Biology Professionals, and Veterinarians

5. Yes: Foresters and Applied Biology Professionals

2. Pg 30-34

3. Pg 35-37

4. Pg 37-38

5. Pg 39-41


6. Food and Agricultural Products Development and Processing

7. Waste Management, Bio-renewables, and Bioprocessing

6. & 7.
Certain, but not all activities

6. Yes: Engineers

7. Yes: Engineers and Applied Biology Professionals, dependent on the type of waste

6. Pg 41-42

7. Pg 43-44

Land & Water Resources

8. Land Evaluation, Classification, Mapping, Conservation, and Management

9. Water Resources Planning and Management

8. & 9. Certain, but not all activities

8. Engineers, Geoscientists, Foresters, and Applied Biology Professionals

9. Engineers and Applied Biology Professionals

8. Pg 44-48

9. Pg 48-49

Environmental Resources

10. Protection and Management of Environmental Resources

11. Land Reclamation and Restoration

12. Invasive Species and Pest Management

10.,11.,12. Certain, but not all activities

10 & 11. Yes: Engineers, Geoscientists, Foresters, Applied Biology Professionals, ASTTBC Technicians, and Technologists; dependent upon the specific type of resources being protected or managed

12. Yes: Applied Biology Professionals

10. Pg 49-54

11. Pg 54-56

12. Pg 56-57


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